MIC - Marketing Book Creation


book_without_shadow.pngWhat would your business look like if you had a book you could sell or giveaway at your next networking or speaking engagement?

What is possible if people were to hold something in their hand, fall in love with your work by reading your book and then reach out to work with you?

Your Lead Generation Book can do just that!

My first book, "18 Minutes of Impact: MoveYour Audience to action the TED Way" was the one tool that took my business to the 6 figure level. Now you can accomplish that as well!

What exactly is a lead generation book? 

⇢ This is a book designed to attract your ideal clients. While many people have websites or social media, a lead generation book is another layer of establishing a relationship with your ideal clients. You can use it as a tangible giveaway  or sell it at a low price point.

It can also become a FREE EBOOK for list building. The idea is to give potential clients insight into what you do and how you do it. While brochures and business cards are easy to toss in the recycling and websites and social media area easy to avoid, handing someone a book takes the relationship to the next level. Even if your book sits on their bookshelf for a while, it establishes credibility and name recognition. They may take it home, set it on their shelf and then remember your title when that problem arises for them. They may even pass it on to someone else who could use it. It’s a great way to stay top of mind for potential clients! 

What if I don’t have anything written, but I have a general idea of what I want the book to be about?

⇢ That’s our job! Our clients start with 25 hours of time with our team (additional time can be purchased in 5 hour increments) to brainstorm, outline, create, edit, rework, organize, or even just hold space for you to write -- whatever you need support with! 

Is there a template I can use? I’ve never created a Lead Generation book before!

⇢ Yes! We have a template that will help guide you through your book. It’s modeled off our Write Your Talk Program and is designed to engage your reader and present your ideal client’s pain points as well as offer some solutions as well as an invitation to explore working with you. The idea behind a Lead Generation book is that your potential clients get to know you better, get a sense of what working with you is like and find out what problems you can solve for them.

What if I’m not the best writer?

 ⇢ That’s okay! You can use your hours with our team to help you craft the right words! We use a combination of conversational recordings and specific writing prompts to help you get your thoughts organized. Then we can help you go back and fine tune your message to showcase your brilliance! 

Talk to me about cover creation, how does that work?

⇢ If you have existing brand colors, logos, fonts, etc, we can use those to incorporate into the design. If not, we are happy to brainstorm with you about possible colors, images, etc for your cover. Many authors like to have their own photo on the back cover! Don’t have a logo, but want one? We can help you out there too, let’s talk!

What else do I need to know?

⇢ People come to us at all levels of book development. Some know their general topic, but haven’t decided how to present it. Some really just want to showcase their business in a professional way with an overview of services and how they are offered. Many like to include a few nuggets of their wisdom so the reader can get an idea of what working them could look like.

Our goal is to help you organize your thoughts and words into a cohesive book, designed to engage your audience.  Lead generation books are not made to be on the New York Times Bestseller Lists, they are created with the specific goal for your potential clients to get to know you better and to establish you as a credible resource. You can add “author” to your list of accomplishments and have an amazon link to share your brilliance with the world!


  • A published lead generation book of up to 50 pages
  • An account set up to sell through Amazon (we will work with you as you set up your own account that you will control)
  • Finished PDF of the book so you can use as a FREE resource in exchange for contact information
  • You will hold your book in your hands!


  • 25 Hours to work one on one with one of our writers through video interviews and questionnaires to extract your book from your head!
  • Together with our team, you will co-create your book and edit the content in the format of a lead generation book
  • We will create 2 versions of book front & back cover for you to select from and then we will do up to 2 iterations of changes/edits
  • We will help you create an account with an online printing and distributing company where you will be able to print additional copies and sell via Amazon. 


  • You have been in business for at least 6 months and have had some experience working with clients (either 1 on 1, workshops or groups)
  • You have decided you want to reach the 6 figure level of your business and you need to get the word out there
  • You are beginning to speak publicly and want something that your audiences can take after your speaking engagements
  • You are ready to turn up the volume!

Reach out to team@mastersinclarity.com with any questions

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MIC - Marketing Book Creation

Helping business owners and experts bring their message into the world by creating lead generation books. 

Total due $4,997

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